Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits

Join the Health & Voluntary Benefits Association

The Health & Voluntary Benefits Association (HVBA), is the nation’s largest, leading non-profit in voluntary benefits. It is the central point of communication for the industry; offering networking, education, and the latest updates on trends, best practices and innovations for employers, and other affinity groups.

Recent studies have found that approximately 85 percent (85%) of businesses that fail are not members of their industry association. Joining the HVBA is one way to guarantee your organization’s future success! The Health & Voluntary Benefits Association is the first national non-profit trade association focused on Voluntary Benefits for employer and affinity groups.

Our goal is to promote the education, implementation and enrollment of Voluntary Benefits in the workplace.

Who Joins the HVBA?

Priming Benefits Professionals for the Expected, Unexpected and Everything in Between

Your source on …

Voluntary Benefits Plan Design

Education & Employee Engagement

Raising Awareness

Fostering Discussion

Compliance & Legalities


Introductory Email

We will send out to existing members and advisory board members an email introducing your company and providing your contact information.

Company Profile on the Health & Voluntary Benefits Association Website

We will add your company profile and contact information along with your logo on the HVBA website.

Conference & Event Discounts

HVBA Members will receive negotiated discounts to various HVBA hosted events as well as other industry event partners. This includes both live and digital conferences, forums, workshops, and roundtables around the country! Members will also receive a 20% discount on attendance to the HVBA’s official event, the Annual Voluntary Benefits Conference.

Building Brand Awareness of your Company

By being a member of the Health & Voluntary Benefits Association, you will increase awareness and branding of your company. The HVBA will be promoted through an exclusive partnership with Voluntary Benefits Magazine ( where the magazine will promote the HVBA and HVBA members. Voluntary Benefits Magazine is the largest and only dedicated magazine to Voluntary Benefits.

Exclusive Workshops & Networking Events

HVBA members will have access to special workshops in Voluntary Benefits, marketing and branding, plus exclusive invites to networking events. Members can use the HVBA logo on their own website, if linked properly back to the HVBA website. Branding your company and protecting your reputation. Our HVBA members separate themselves from others in the industry and show a commitment to the growth by operating under the best practices by being a member of the HVBA.


HVBA members can participate in HVBA committees.

Direction of the Voluntary Benefits Industry

Members are able to give insight, advice and guidance as to the direction of the industry and direction of the HVBA.

Networking Opportunities

HVBA members received advanced networking opportunities. All of the HVBA members contact information is provided on the website for any interested in the Voluntary Benefits industry to contact them. Also the HVBA will refer any Voluntary Benefit inquiries from its website to its members.

Membership Benefits

Although HVBA Membership Benefits provide tremendous value, we know members are in financial distress with today’s tight economy. Delivering not just benefits with value, but providing valuable benefits that are tangible became top priority. That is exactly why we are excited to announce the addition of the following exclusive HVBA Membership Perks.

With only the very best perks hand-selected, members will receive no-cost participation in the following programs as part of their annual membership fee:

membership cost

The annual HVBA membership fee is $299.

The retail cost of membership benefits are valued over $2,000!

JOIN TODAY and find great value!

You’ll find yourself participating in programs valued at 6 times the cost of your annual membership. This is just one of the many ways the HVBA helps you save money and deliver value, even in hard times.