Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)

GPO, Custom Product/Program Development and Consulting
The HVBI GPO can be leveraged by HVBA members and sponsors saving them hours upon hours of negotiation and development time. The due diligence is completed for them as well as custom plan designs, enhanced compensation models and other strategic and unique programs, product sand platforms.

GPO Outline

First, we established connections not just in the voluntary benefits vertical, but healthcare as well. In 2024, we rebranded the VBA to HVBA, illustrating our breath in a much larger insurance industry. Thus, VBA is now The Health & Voluntary Benefits Association. Additionally, to segregate our GPO, yet run in parallel with the overall organization, we further created The Health & Voluntary Benefits Institute.

Next, we developed a review and approval set of criteria for the contracts we onboard as well as categories of contracts we want to have, such as: ACA Qualified health Plans for 1099, part-time employees, GIG workforce, MERP’s and ICHRA’s), Third-party Administrators such as:BenAdmin, TPA, Networks, Stop Loss, PBMs and pharmacy adjacent (rebate aggregators and pharmacy cost and risk containment), Ancillary and Voluntary Carriers, Ancillary and Voluntary point solutions, platforms, technology, and more…

From a consulting point of view, we needed to develop a message around our ability to design any solution, product or program in our industry, whether it is for an employer group, 1099 workforce, carrier, association, union/trust or any other affinity-like group. We desire to have carriers, human resource executives, plan sponsors and brokers to come to us for assistance in solving their problems through developing programs, products and strategies that they can use directly or take to the marketplace. This includes pulling solutions together for unique bundles that are fully integrated.

We finished by establishing a series of GPO participation guidelines, which HVBA members, both individual and corporate, can leverage increasing their firm’s revenue coupled with custom and exclusive arrangements.

Custom-branded Programs Developed

  • Non-PBM Pharmacy/Primary Care (membership-based, pre-insurance access)
  • CI/HI embedded Genomics
  • ACA Qualified MVP Health plans
  • Custom CI, HI and Accident programs
  • Administrative protocols
  • Claims Processing and Instant Payments

GPO Rules and Guidelines of Participation

A GPO contract provider application must be completed detailing the contract provider’s business and its objectives. Since financial, criminal,and other background checks may be required as determined by the HVBA, a GPO non-refundable application fee of $500 is due at the time ofapplication processing.

Once the GPO application is approved, the GPO contract provider must be a corporate member of the HVBA at the minimum Bronze level. Thereare four options of corporate membership, and the $500 application processing fee will be applied to any corporate membership selected.

The GPO contract provider understands they may or may not be the sole entity within a specific GPO industry category.

The GPO arrangement must be for no less than a 3-year agreement, with termination clauses defined within the final HVBA / GPO contract. The GPO contract provider agrees to offer the HVBA and their contacts and members an arrangement that includes lowest net pricing, preferential compensation and/or other concessions, or program/product features, ensuring the HVBA and GPO arrangement to be a best-in-class program.

The GPO contract provider agrees to fairly negotiate a final agreement with the HVBA. The GPO contract provider arrangement will be a separate document from any other HVBA agreement in place relative to other utilized HBVA services, such as advertising in the HVBA DIR.

HVBA Corporate Members

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Zurich Logo
Wallit Logo

Check out our 2024-2025 Corporate Memberships & GPO Brochure below: