- Articles submitted must be the final copy, fully edited and proofed for grammar and concept with zero errors.
- Articles must be original and must not have been published previously or be under consideration by another publication.
- Articles should be a minimum of 1,000 words.
- Advertorial, commercial or promotional articles will not be accepted via our Contributor Application nor our Call for Articles. While we appreciate cutting edge articles on topics featuring innovative services and products, our readers wish to be educated, not sold. Articles cannot be an advertisement, promotional material, press release or include excessive self-promotion. Only articles that are educational and informative in nature will be considered. *
- Articles from contributors may not have outbound links. For sponsored articles, please contact us via sponsorship@vbassociation.com.
- You may submit both a personal bio as well as a company bio (100-words max each) Please do not include the personal/company bio at the end of the article, rather, submit each as separate files within the Contributor Application. (personal/company bio’s will be published on the author’s dedicated author page, not in the article itself).
- Include a high-quality digital picture [head shot] no smaller than 500×500 px when you submit your article along with your name and title.
- Videos, charts, graphs, infographics, statistical charting, podcasts, surveys and quotes maybe included. Please imbed all elements within the article document, as well as send the individual files as high resolution (300 dpi).
- We ask that you properly document and reference quotes, and inclusion or work outside of your own original content. Please include name, title and company of all quotes within article copy; and all other included resources, citations or works cited in your article be placed at the end of your article.
- Provide a suggested title for your article. The editors may alter titles for marketing or communications purposes.
- After publication, all authors are highly encouraged to share their article through their social media platforms.
- Q&A format
- Bullets with quick ‘take-aways’
- “He said / She said” pieces (opposing viewpoints)
- Trends in the industry
- Thought pieces (Op Eds)
- Vlogs (video interviews)
- Lists (e.g. 7 musts knows)
- Comparison pieces to current news articles (how x impacts y)
* Note: Please review our Media Kit (Coming Soon), for all branding and visibility opportunities, such as Advertisements and Advertorials.